The EPIC-Norfolk study introduced its first online dietary questionnaire in the 5HC, the DietWebQ, a renaming of the Oxford WebQ which was developed by colleagues at Oxford University. The aim of the DietWebQ is to obtain information on the amounts of all foods and drinks consumed over the previous day.
The format is similar in style to the FFQ, although it is considerably more detailed. User guides were provided to assist with the completion of the questionnaire and a help section to assist with how to answer specific questions or give tips on portion sizes.
Participants were asked to complete multiple DietWebQs in order to take into account weekend and weekday consumption. This new instrument can be used to compare the EPIC-Norfolk cohort with other populations, such as the UK Biobank population, and can also be used as a cross comparison and validation of the FFQ. The data from this new questionnaire has yet to be analysed.
We have worked with colleagues at Oxford University to update the nutrient database underlying the WebQ, using the UK Nutrient Databank food composition tables (FCT) from the NDNS survey year 6, which includes FCT for years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014. This updated database will replace the existing nutrient database in the UK Biobank study.